Busumbala District Gets New Chief

By Lamin Njie

Chiefs play a crucial role in the maintenance and settling of land disputes in The Gambia since time immemorial. It was in keeping up with that tradition  that Mr Lamin Touray, the new chief of Busumbala District was recently coronated in a colorful ceremony held at the Lamin football grounds.

In his statement, Chief Touray promised to work in the best interest of the people of his district, describing the day as historic.

“My father was the district chief of the entire Kombo North for over twenty years, before the demarcation. This new position is not an easy one. But I will work and do my best for my people,” he said.

Chief Touray finally called for unity among the people of his district.

Ousman Bojang, Governor of the West Coast Region congratulated the new chief on his appointment and expressed optimism that he will work for the interest of his people.

The ceremony was attended by many dignitaries from far and wide, including family members, friends, and the people of Lamin.

The coronation night ended with a spectacular performance by the famous Kora maestro, Jaliba Kuyateh.