25 Women Beneficiaries Undergo Trainers’ Training on Entrepreneurship, Business Dev’t

The Women Entrepreneurship Fund (WEF) last week concluded a 5-day Training of Trainers on Entrepreneurship, Business Creation and Digital Transformation for 25 women drawn from Banjul, KM and West Coast Region.

Speaking at the closing ceremony, the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Welfare, Hon Fatou Kinteh applauded the Spanish government for their continued support to women empowerment, especially women entrepreneurs who are key drivers of social- economic development of any society.

She reported that since the establishment of the Women Entrepreneurship Fund, sixty-six million dalasi have been disbursed as a revolving loan to approximately six hundred and twenty-three women groups across the country.

"The establishment of Women Entrepreneurship Fund has made loans accessible to women easy, going a long way towards poverty reduction and sustainable development, by creating enterprises, jobs and growth,” Minister Kinteh noted.

She thanked INCYDE Foundation and CASA AFRICA CONSORTIUM for making this training possible.

Charge d'affaires at Embassy of Spain, Violetta Insa Sandoval, said this is part of their approach as a country, and that Spain is leading a feminist foreign policy and a feminist cooperation.

 “Spain stands by gender equality in every field, politics, society and economy. This is a common goal we share with the Ministry of Gender", she stated.

She commended the minister for her determination in helping women in their quest to economic independence and political and social empowerment.

By Alhagie Babou Jallow



  • The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Welfare heads the TWG on Cross-Cutting issues