Gov’t Secures US$50M Revolving Trade Finance Facility for Gambian Businesses

The Government of The Gambia says is has secured a 50 million Dollar revolving trade finance facility from the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA). Finance facility is meant to be used to finance the importing of petroleum products, food and other essential commodities from African and Arab countries.
This information is from the Ministry of Trade. The objective of the facility, the Ministry says, is to ensure the availability and price stability of essential commodities in the markets. It therefore informs the business community that the call for the second trench of BADEA’s Trade Finance Facility is open for applications.
Key Features of the BADEA Finance Facility:
Funding Opportunities: Funding is available in the form of loans to import petroleum products and other essential commodities, namely, rice, sugar, flour, edible oil, onions, whole chicken, chicken legs, potatoes to supply the Gambian markets.
Conditions on source of essential commodities: Please note that the above mentioned commodities can only be sourced from BADEA Member Countries (African and Arab countries).
How to Apply:
Interested parties are invited to submit a letter expressing their interest to access the facility. The letter should also identify the commodity and quantity they want to import as well as the source of importation.
The application process will remain open until September 6th 2024.