Government to boost education in Buduck

By Lamin Kujabi

His Excellency Preisdent Adama Barrow has assured the people of Buduck in Nianija, Central River Region that government will build classrooms, toilets as well as provide uniforms, books and shoes to students. He said since he assumed the helm of power, he has brought development in all constituencies.

He made the assurance on Thursday 21st November during a meeting in the village as part of his annual ‘meet-the-people’ tour. He added that he will bring developmental projects that they have not seen for the past 50 years.

He admitted that developing a country is not an easy task but said he will do his best to bring big development projects to them especially in rice production. He announced that Egyptians will be coming to Nianija for rice production and thanked them for the warm reception accorded to him.

Tourism and Culture Minister Hamat Bah announced that the Kerr Batch historic center will be revived before the end of December. They changes to be effected by the National Center for Arts and Culture will make positive changes. He also assured that the whole of Nianija will have electricity before 2021.

Honourable Amadou Camara, National Assembly member for Nianija, appealed for the construction of roads leading to the rice fields but quickly pointed out that their rice fields were all destroyed. He informed that elections are conducted every five years and not three years. 

Ajar Nadinding Jabbi expressed appreciation to the government of President Barrow for providing milling machines, power tillers and other farming tools for most of the 34 villages in the constituency. On behalf of the women of Nianija, she expressed gratitude and appreciation to President Barrow’s government.

Honourable Seedy Njie, a former National Assembly member for Nianija called on parents to advice their children in kombo to avoid creating violence. He said everybody should maintain the peace enjoyed in the country. He said there are many rice fields but Nianija is the only place where government is sending Egyptians for rice production.