Gambia’s Pledges on Refugees and Statelessness

The Gambia has a long history of protecting those fleeing conflict and persecution. It believes that offering protection to refugees is not just a legal obligation but a moral imperative. In line with this belief, the country made the following pledges:

  • To ensure that no child is born stateless
  • Legal Reforms
  • Enhancing Protection and Support
  • Promoting Integration

Pledges on Statelessness, Statelessness is a profound violation of human rights, leaving individuals without nationality and often without access to basic services and protections. The Gambia is committed to eradicating statelessness within our borders through the following pledges:

Legislative Reforms: The constitution does not provide for the naturalization of refugees and stateless persons by Art.34 of the 1951 convention and Art. 32 of the 1954 convention respectively.Art.12 of the Constitution does not contain a safeguard against statelessness for persons seeking naturalization.

The Gambia will undertake a comprehensive review of nationality laws to identify and eliminate any provisions that contribute to statelessness. And will introduce legislation to ensure that every child born on Gambian soil, or to Gambian parents, has the right to acquire Gambian nationality.

The Gambia commits to undertake and publish a qualitative study to understand the situation of stateless groups and individuals living in its territory and find a solution to their situations.

In 2014 the government of The Gambia ratified and signed the two Statelessness Conventions, 1954 and 1961, but yet to be domesticated into nationality and citizenship law.

In 2015 a Draft National Action Plan to end Statelessness was approved by the government of The Gambia and the GCR was appointed as the Focal Point.

Birth Registration:

In The Gambia, records have shown that over 95% of births of children below five years are registered (from the Registry of Birth and Death, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, WOHSW). The challenge is, those above five years of age.

The Gambia pledges to strengthen its civil registration and vital statistics systems to ensure that all births are registered promptly and accurately. This will be achieved through increased outreach and public awareness campaigns.

Protection and Assistance:

The Gambia will provide targeted support to stateless individuals, including access to legal assistance, healthcare, and education. And will work closely with UNHCR and other international partners to identify stateless populations and implement durable solutions.

 Data Collection and Documentation:

Accurate data is crucial for effective policy-making and resource allocation. The Ministry of Interior through Gambia Commission for Refugees will Conduct comprehensive surveys and registration drives to accurately identify and document all refugees and stateless persons in The Gambia. The data will be utilized to inform policies and ensure that resources are directed where they are most needed. It will also ensure that all individuals have access to proper documentation, which is essential for accessing rights and services.