Environment Ministry Launches Gambia’s NDC Implementation Plan

By Fatou Sanneh

The Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources and partners have recently launched The Gambia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Plan.
Funded by the NDC Partnership, the plan was developed with extensive stakeholder input and aligns with the National Development Plan, SDGs, and sectoral policies. This comprehensive plan strengthens climate governance to implement national and international strategies, offering social, ecological, economic, and developmental benefits. It aims to eradicate poverty and build resilient livelihoods.
Covering both mitigation and adaptation actions in key sectors like agriculture, energy, water, and waste, the plan serves as our primary guide for NDC implementation from 2021 to 2030
In his statement, the Vice President of The Gambia, HE Mohammed BS Jallow reiterated The Gambia’s continuous commitment to combating the impacts of climate change
‘’Today marks a significant milestone in The Gambia’s journey towards a sustainable and resilient future, as we gather to launch our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation Plan (2021-2030). This momentous occasion is not merely a ceremonial event; rather, it symbolises our nation’s unwavering commitment to fighting climate change and securing a sustainable and prosperous future for all,’’ VP Mohammed BS Jallow.
VP Jallow extended his gratitude to all those who have contributed to the development of The Gambia’s NDC Implementation Plan including the NDC partnership and UNDP and pledged the government’s unwavering support to its successful implementation. 
In her opening statement, the Minister of Environment, Hon. Rohey John Manjang highlighted that the NDC Implementation Plan is a roadmap that outlines our strategic actions to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change
“The Plan is ambitious but achievable. It sets out specific targets and indicators to track our progress towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing resilience to climate change, and promoting sustainable development. We are committed to implementing this plan with the utmost urgency and determination.’’ Hon. Rohey John-Manjang.
Minister Jonh-Manjang added that the implementation of this plan requires the collective efforts of all stakeholders, urging all to work together to mobilise resources, build capacity, and create an enabling environment for climate action.