Energy Minister Says 800 Communities to have Electricity Supply by 2025

By Lamin Kujabi

The Minister of Petroleum and Energy Mr Nani Juwara has said that the Government is committed to the attainment of achieving universal access to electricity for the country by 2025. He said it is on the basis of that agenda that they have sanctioned a number of projects to provide electricity for communities yet to be served, which numbers about 800 communities.
Mr Juwara made this revelation last week when he and the officials from the National Electricity and Water Company (NAWEC) met His Excellency President Adama Barrow at State House to him update him about the electricity situation and the ongoing projects.
Mr Juwara said the visit was a follow-up on the outcome of the delivery forum that was held in February 2024, which mainly focused on the electricity and water projects being implemented by NAWEC.
He said most of the projects being implemented are on course and that they have gone far in the implementation process. “I think you have seen almost everywhere in the regions that we have projects providing electricity access to the communities”.
He acknowledged that there are challenges in the implementation of some of the projects but that they are working closely with contractors and consultants to meet the deadline that have been set, which is 2025.
Mr Juwara noted that similar interventions are being made in the water sector. “There are projects that are currently ongoing to improve the water supply within the Greater Banjul Area and other places. All these efforts are geared towards improving the lives and livelihoods of Gambians,” he affiremed. 
Managing Director of National Water and Electricity Company, Mr Gallo Saidy assured that  NAWEC is committed to making sure that these projects are implemented on time. He however indicated that their main challenges with some of the projects have to do with delay in accessing funds and the working materials due to external issues like war in Gaza, and the Ukraine-Russia war.
Managing Director Saidy acknowledged the frequent power outage in the Greater Banjul Area but expressed hope that the ongoing projects will resolve the issue. 
He therefore urged Gambians to exercise patience; that he personally believes that the problem will be resolved within two years.