Departing Nigerian High Commissioner praises Gambia’s democratisation process

By Lamin Kujabi








Bidding farewell to Gambia through the President of the Republic Adama Barrow, the High Commissioner of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, His Excellency Mr. Ibidapo- Obe Olusegun, said he is impressed with the country’s progress since the change of government, especially in terms of freedom, rule of law and development at large.




“I arrived in The Gambia in 2017 [and since then] the country has witnessed progress in terms of democracy, best practices of governance, and economic and infrastructural development,” he stated.




He hailed Gambians for taking their “destiny” in own hands by voting for change in 2016. He mentioned the prevalence of media freedom, while expressing delight and honour that he has been part of the whole transformational process.




Speaking about the Gambia-Nigeria relations, Mr. Ibidapo-Obe Olusegun said it is bound to be deepened, for the relationship, he noted, has always been brotherly and mutually beneficial.