Barrow Calls for Robust Strategy for Re-establishment of Constitutional Rule in ECOWAS

His Excellency President Adama Barrow has called on fellow ECOWAS leaders to re-commit to the implementation of the roadmaps and transition processes and programmes for the re-establishment of democratic governance and constitutional rule in the relevant member states. He emphasised the need for a robust strategy to improve the political space and governance frameworks in order to mitigate instability, insecurity, and violence. “The recent Presidential Elections and positive participation of the electorate in Liberia demonstrate the potential for the sub-region to successfully uphold the principles of good governance, peaceful constitutional change of government, and the rule of law”. He was speaking at the just concluded 64th Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government held on December 10th in Abuja, Nigeria

He went on: “As a community, it is vital that we intensify efforts to build strong and resilient economies. In this respect, my government continues to promote suitable governance reforms and regulatory frameworks in accordance with international standards and best practices.

While referencing his government’s implementation of a Medium-Term Economic Fiscal Framework (2023-2026) for improved macro-fiscal stability, and the Green Recovery - Focused National Development Plan (2023 - 2027), President Barrow noted that the inter-dependence of their economies calls for nurturing and fully utilization of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) framework. “This arrangement could facilitate and promote the industrialisation of the sub-region. This makes it necessary to put more emphasis on addressing the challenges that hinder intra-community trade. The sooner we resolve the barriers, the better for us all”.

The President also pointed out the need to accelerate arrangements for the implementation of a single currency for the Community.

President Barrow seized the opportunity to call for the development and implementation of a common sub-regional migration policy and related programmes to mitigate the root causes and impact of this huge challenge. 

He assured of his government’s continual effort to work, in consultation with all stakeholders, to nurture and safeguard the existing peaceful and stable environment in The Gambia. “To achieve this objective, we place high priority on our ongoing reform programmes, including the Security Sector Reform (SSR), transitional justice agenda, and promotion of the rule of law.  In view of this, my Government renews its commitment to work with the ECOWAS Commission in fast-tracking the SSR”.

The Gambian leader thanked ECOWAS, ECOMIG Mission and Troop contributing countries  and partners for the support in maintaining peace and stability in The Gambia.