Banjul-Accra Ties Deepened - with Ghanaian Leader’s Visit 

By Lamin Kujabi

His Excellency Adama Barrow on Friday, 12th July received his counterpart His Excellency President Nana Akufo Addo of the Republic of Ghana, who was on a day’s state visit. The visit was meant to deepen the already existing bilateral relations between The Gambia and Ghana. 
This was the Ghanaian President’s first state visit to The Gambia since he came into office. 
President Barrow later in the day hosted his guess at State House to a tête-à-tête. The two leaders are said to have   discussed range of issues of bilateral importance such as security, education, trade, agriculture and ECOWAS.
After their meeting the two leaders crossed over to Barra, where President Akufo Addo called on Ghanaian soldiers under ECOMIG deployment in the North Bank region. Representatives of the people of Barra, in Lower Niumi and North Bank Region expressed their appreciation and gratitude to the Ghanaian President for the good work and services that Ghanaian soldiers are providing to the region.
Before boarding his plane back to Ghana at the end of his day’s visit, President Nana Akufo Addo had this to say: “I had a very constructive discussion with President Adama Barrow on matters of the mutual interests. I also had opportunity to go and visit the Ghanaian troop; you are all aware that there is a contingent of Ghanaian troops here as part of ECOWAS stabilisation force in The Gambia. I went to Barra in the North Bank Region to visit them and they are all happy to be in The Gambia. They are happy to contribute to the peace and stability of The Gambia”.