Author of ‘Toro Baa  - The Land of Culture’ Meets with Tourism Minister 

By Lamin Njie

Mr. Bubacarr Gaye, the author of the book, ‘Toro Baa- The Land of Culture’, recently met with the Minister of Tourism and Culture, Honourable Abdoulie Jobe, at his office in Banjul.
Mr. Gaye was at the Ministry to discuss with the Honorable Minister the central idea of his book project and its prospective impact on the cultural sphere of The Gambia. He also sought financial and moral support for the launch of his book.
On receiving the author, the Minister thanked him for boldly writing a book about culture in The Gambia and described the move as commendable.
Minister Jobe promised Mr. Gaye his office and partner agencies’ support towards a successful book launch and encouraged him to continue writing to inspire others.