40-Foot Container Meant for Sponsored Students Arrives in Gambia

By Kumba Leigh


A fully loaded 40-foot container from the Belgian Friends of The Gambia (BFoTG) has arrived in The Gambia.

The fully loaded container is meant for the schools and students under the sponsorship of the BFoTG. The charity is presently sponsoring 280 students from nursery schools to senior secondary schools and some training centers within Kanifing Municipality and the West Coast Region.

According to the chairman of the Belgian Friends of The Gambia, Patrick de Voss said the items in the container are educational items, health and agriculture.

De Voss informed that his team members included experts in the field of nursing, IT and teaching cadres, while others are retired civil workers from various fields.

“During our two weeks stay in the country, we will distribute our sponsored students’ packages to them and inspect school projects under our sponsorship,’’ he said.

He further revealed that their sponsored students are in the following schools: Jambangjelly Nursery, Lower Basic and Upper Basic Schools; Siffoe Lower and Upper Basic Schools; New Yundum Lower Basic School; and New Yundum Health Centre, all in the West Coast Region.

Bakoteh Senior Secondary School, Bakoteh Annex Lower Basic School, Bakoteh Proper Lower Basic School, Nyodema Nursery School, Latri-kunda Upper Basic School and St. Therese’s Lower Basic School all within the Kanifing Municipality (KM).

Mr. Patrick De Vos assured of his organisation’s readiness to continue helping Gambian children in order to have meaningful future in their life career as well as preparing them to become responsible leaders.