Youth Minister Responds to Parliamentary Inquiries

By Lamarana S. Jallow


The Honourable Minister of Youth and Sports, Bakary Y. Badjie, last week appeared before lawmakers to respond to questions concerning his ministry’s operations and some youth and sports projects. In his submission, Minister Badjie informed NAMs that currently, the Ministry’s priorities are the completion of the Independence Stadium renovations, the Mboyo football field located in Bakoteh, and the Fula-Bantang football field in CRR South. He said other projects will be considered when funds become available. Further on the subject of the ongoing renovations at the Independence Stadium, Minister Badjie informed that while the contracts were signed in February 2024, work only commenced in May 2024 due to delays in payments. He added that CFTM has completed its portion of the work, as confirmed by the Ministry of Transport, Works, and Infrastructure (MOTWI), while Gigo Construction has completed 75% of its works and is awaiting the arrival of shipments of the materials to be fixed and to finalise the remaining tasks. Asked if The Gambia will host international matches in 2025, Badjie said Gambia will host international matches once the work at the stadium is completed, and that could be before the end of this year.

Pressed about some inadequacies with the ministry’s operations, Minister Badjie cited serious mobility challenge at the Ministry, hence their inability to provide vehicles to regional structures. “For the past three consecutive years, the Ministry’s budget line for vehicle was removed from the national budget by the Ministry of Finance; as such I cannot assure of mobility for any regional staff or structure,” he emphasised. He also clarified that currently there are no plans to provide vehicles to Regional Youth Chairpersons. He argued that while they play an essential role in coordinating youth matters at regional level, they are not ministry staff and thus are not expected to perform routine daily duties requiring mobility from MOYS.

He informed the lawmakers that motorbikes used in the Youth Council’s migration project, supported by IOM, have been handed over to regional youth committees. Addressing other community infrastructure needs, Minister Badjie stated that due to limited budget allocations, MOYS is unable to construct mini stadia in individual communities as expected by some, saying Ministry’s primary responsibility is national infrastructure, not community based.