39 Senegalese ECOMIG Detachment Wrap up Mission in Gambia

By Lamin Kujabi

President Adama Barrow on Friday, September 8th at State House bade farewell to 39 Senegalese officers of the Gendarmerie following the end of their term of duty under ECOMIG in The Gambia.

President Barrow expressed appreciation and gratitude to the Gendarmerie personnel for the good work did during their stay in the country.

“This is emotional. The Gambia and Senegal are one, and the relationship between the two countries has reached a level it had never been before, thanks to President Mack Sall of Senegal’s support to The Gambia and its people”.

The President went on: “We want you to be Gambia’s ambassador in Senegal; tell them about the good things in The Gambia and its people”.

Sait Njie, Commander, State Guard, commended the Senegalese personnel for their support, discipline, professionalism, respect and dedication to duty. He particularly hailed them for the good working relation that they have with the Gambia Armed Forces and other security forces.

Lieutenant Jabong noted that they had been working together with The Gambia Armed Forces to keep peace in the Gambia and thanked the President and the people of The Gambia and the state guard commander for the good working relationship they enjoyed.